A Lynchian psychological thriller, “SICK” tells the story of a deeply troubled relationship, exploring the polarity of unhealthy love, abuse and the duality of human nature as a whole.
"SICK" is the brainchild of actress, writer, director and producer Jackie Quinones. It inspired by her dark dreams and a quote from Edgar Allan Poe, "Never to suffer would never to have been blessed." Shot in Union City, NJ, this dramatic psychological thriller draws upon influences from David Lynch, Roman Polanski, and Stanley Kubrick.
A Lynchian psychological thriller, “SICK” tells the story of a deeply troubled relationship, exploring the polarity of unhealthy love, abuse and the duality of human nature as a whole.
"SICK" is the brainchild of actress, writer, director and producer Jackie Quinones. It inspired by her dark dreams and a quote from Edgar Allan Poe, "Never to suffer would never to have been blessed." Shot in Union City, NJ, this dramatic psychological thriller draws upon influences from David Lynch, Roman Polanski, and Stanley Kubrick.
As a film and TV buff, there are some topics that I don’t feel have been fully explored on film. I wanted to showcase a female struggle that is very rarely shown as intimately as I feel it should be - abuse. I was interested in seeing an abusive relationship from the inside - without judgement - as well as the love, hate and confusion that comes along with it. Physical abuse is often accompanied by intense mental abuse which lingers long after the bruises are gone. This is "SICK"’s theme. I put the audience in our female protagonist’s shoes with the intention of leaving them just as emotionally wrought and confused. Questions about the relationship and the film linger long after it’s over and its meaning is interpreted by the individual watching it. The audience becomes a storyteller. It’s intense, necessary and timely. "SICK" is my directorial debut.
The below footage has never been seen before. This behind the scenes trailer was shot with the intention of creating a social media fundraising campaign. Fortunately, the "SICK" production came in way under budget and the extra cash was never needed. Even more fortunate, the team now has a lovely little behind the scenes trailer with which to remember the experience.
WINNER - Suspense/Thriller Remi Award, WorldFest Houston/Houston International Film Festival
WINNER - Best Actress, GenreBlast Film Festival
WINNER - Best Hair, Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival
WINNER - Best Makeup, Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival
NOMINATED - Best Drama, Official Latino International Film & Arts Festival
NOMINATED - Best Actress, Nightmares Film Festival
NOMINATED - Best Actor, GenreBlast Film Festival
SEMI-FINALIST - Near Nazareth Film Festival
SEMI-FINALIST - Women In Horror Film Festival
WINNER - Suspense/Thriller Remi Award, WorldFest Houston/Houston International Film Festival
WINNER - Best Actress, GenreBlast Film Festival
WINNER - Best Hair, Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival
WINNER - Best Makeup, Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival
NOMINATED - Best Drama, Official Latino International Film & Arts Festival
NOMINATED - Best Actress, Nightmares Film Festival
NOMINATED - Best Actor, GenreBlast Film Festival
SEMI-FINALIST - Near Nazareth Film Festival
SEMI-FINALIST - Women In Horror Film Festival
If you'd like to schedule a screening or request the film please e-mail us.
CRASH International Fantastic Film Festival - Goiás, Brazil - December 12, 2018
Equality International Film Festival - Sacramento, California - April 13, 2019
Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival - Charleston, South Carolina - May 24, 2019
Cardiff Mini Film Festival - Cardiff, United Kingdom - June 22, 2019
Palm Springs International Short Film Festival (Market Selection) - Palm Springs, CA - June 23, 2019
Lift-Off GlobalNetwork Film Festival (Online) - New York, NY - June 23, 2019
GenreBlast Film Festival - Winchester, Virginia - August 29, 2019
Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival - Detroit, Michigan - September 12, 2019
Lift-Off GlobalNetwork Film Festival (Online) - Los Angeles, CA - September 23, 2019
Nightmares Film Festival - Columbus, Ohio - October 24, 2019
Official Latino Film & Arts Festival - Palm Desert, California - October 31, 2019
If you'd like to schedule a screening or request the film please e-mail us.
CRASH International Fantastic Film Festival - Goiás, Brazil - December 12, 2018
Equality International Film Festival - Sacramento, California - April 13, 2019
Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival - Charleston, South Carolina - May 24, 2019
Cardiff Mini Film Festival - Cardiff, United Kingdom - June 22, 2019
Palm Springs International Short Film Festival (Market Selection) - Palm Springs, CA - June 23, 2019
Lift-Off GlobalNetwork Film Festival (Online) - New York, NY - June 23, 2019
GenreBlast Film Festival - Winchester, Virginia - August 29, 2019
Detroit SheTown Women's Film Festival - Detroit, Michigan - September 12, 2019
Lift-Off GlobalNetwork Film Festival (Online) - Los Angeles, CA - September 23, 2019
Nightmares Film Festival - Columbus, Ohio - October 24, 2019
Official Latino Film & Arts Festival - Palm Desert, California - October 31, 2019